The St. Lawrence Academy
The St. Lawrence Academy is a registered Ontario charity. What does this mean?
The St. Lawrence Academy operates on donations and tuition alone. We do not receive any moneys from the government to operate and yet, SLA holds itself to the standard of the public school system by hiring qualified teachers and following (and pushing beyond) the Ontario Curriculum. Despite it not being advantageous to our bottom line, SLA caps our class sizes at 15 and our trained and certified staff accept salaries 20-40% lower than the average teacher to keep costs manageable for families.
This is where our sponsors and donors can step in to help. Since our first year in 2007, SLA has offered bursary scholarships which offer discounts to parents based on their income and abilities. Visit our FAQ section to find out more about Apple Financial Services, a third party company which helps us determine the needs of our applicants. Every year, SLA accepts a loss financially of up to $75,000.00 to ensure that children from lower income families are able take advantage of the education excellence we have to offer. Why do we do this? It is our heartfelt belief that the type of education we offer not be available only to the families who can afford it. At SLA, we see our mission as preparing the 'Leaders of Tomorrow'. It is our belief that the leaders of tomorrow must represent ALL walks of life and ALL experiences.
We want our future business owners, teachers, lawyers, doctors and politicians to reflect a diverse society of all economic backgrounds. SLA builds up leaders through our high academic standards, music and theatre programs, and Judeo-Christian character-building mindset. We want our leaders in years to come to know about faith, character and being called to a higher purpose. We teach our students to see outside of themselves and to serve their communities first. SLA lives it by example as a staff and as a Board. It is our mission at SLA to push students to reach higher, be better, do more and strive through adversity. We set the bar high on every level; academically, socially, and spiritually so that accomplishment is real and earned. There is no social promotion at SLA (as is found in mainstream education) - children are assessed honestly and held back if necessary to ensure real growth and achievement. SLA students are held to a higher account and every child from every background and economic status deserves that training and chance.
How can you help us? Donating to SLA, and specifically the Bursary Scholarship Fund will secure the continuance of this program. Donors will receive tax receipts for their support and will receive updates on the lives that their donations are affecting and transforming. SLA does not want, and has never wanted, to be an elite school. We want to continue to be a life-changing opportunity that ALL families can have access to.

Thank you to the following businesses for making our Spring Fling Fundraiser a success!

The Bridgeview Restaurant has offered to sponsor our Hot Lunch Program as we strive to keep tuition affordable while providing better salaries to our hard-working staff. Thank you!