The St. Lawrence Academy

A Message From Our Director
A Message From Our Director
Welcome to SLA where we offer a quality and supportive private school education As a parent, I have always taken personal responsibility for my children’s education. Homeschooling my girls for the first 5 years of their instruction; I worked hard to ensure that their experience was focused on establishing the building blocks of knowledge, that they were surrounded by other children who represented a wide age range and aptitude, and that I worked as a team player with other parents to ensure that our children’s education included a well-rounded and full curriculum.
The Christian foundation and multi-grade level system at St. Lawrence Academy is what drew me when it came time to look for an alternative. As an educator, I see SLA as providing the most balanced system available today. When it comes to preparing children for real life; a multi-grade level class which encourages students to work within a group setting where abilities vary and ages converge, most practically mirrors the work world students must transfer into upon graduation. St. Lawrence Academy’s inclusive focus and family atmosphere is one of its strongest assets.
Every child has their niche and strength. Our responsibility at SLA is to find that strength, aid in its growth, and build upon it. All children can know success.
My overall goal as an educator is to help students grow academically, morally, spiritually and socially. My personal Christian faith colours my every move and action. St. Lawrence Academy’s high academic standards, strong Christian base and family atmosphere offers a chance to grow in all three aspects like no other local educational facility. It is an honour and a privilege to use my strengths and passions for the furtherance of the school’s mission to "build up the leader’s of tomorrow".
Lynda Joanisse